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Nice 3 Door Wardrobe

Nice 3 Door Wardobe In White

£804.00 inc vat
Pay monthly with 0% finance. Learn more 18+, T&C apply, Credit subject to status
The Nice 3 door wardrobe combines elegance and efficiency, offering extensive storage space and classy French style, evident especially in its cornice and base. Its clean white hue brings a timeless charm, while the well-thought-out interiors offer generous storage space. The finish of the wardrobe is moisture-resistant, helping it protect clothes from damp and odours. Built with high-quality PEFC-certified wood, this piece is made to last, resisting scratches, spills, and the wear of daily use. The adjustable doors ensure a flawless fit, while the sleek metal handles add a refined touch that complements both modern and traditional interiors pairing beautifully with soft neutrals and warm wood tones. • Hanger and shelf storage • Solid Construction • Ample storage for two people

Dimension W: 138.8cm | H: 200.6cm | D: 60.5cm

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