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Single Family Housing


Explore Single Family Housing Collection


At Base Furnishings, we specialise in providing high-quality, durable furniture packages for the Single Family Housing Build to Rent (SFH BTR) sector in the UK. Our expertise lies in understanding the unique needs of property developers. By combining modern designs with robust functionality, we enhance living spaces to appeal to a wide range of residents.


Our services include, but are not limited to design-led furniture packages, project management with free deliveries /installations, aftersales care and a replenishment service, as well as in-house manufactured window treatments.

Custom Furniture Packages

Our furniture packages are crafted to suit a wide variety of residents, from working professionals to growing families, seeking stylish and functional living spaces. By understanding the unique preferences of our audience, we deliver tailored solutions that boost resident satisfaction, decrease vacancy rates, and enhance return on investment for our clients.

Explore our SFH BTR Brochure to learn more:

Call us on 020 8991 9700 or enquire here Download our Single Family Housing Brochure
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