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Nice 2 Door Wardrobe

Nice 2 Door Wardrobe in White

£498.00 inc vat
Pay monthly with 0% finance. Learn more 18+, T&C apply, Credit subject to status
The Nice 2 Door Wardrobe is an ideal space-saving option for smaller bedrooms. It offers ample storage for one person or two people if paired with a chest of drawers. The wardrobe has a striking French-style design with panelled doors and beautiful cornice and base which extend outward from the frame. The look of the piece is further enhanced by the round door handles which add a contrasting, metallic accent. The wardrobe has a moisture-resistant finish, protecting the stored items from dampness and odours and the doors have adjustable hinges for perfect fit. The soft white colour of the wardrobe creates a light atmosphere in the bedroom and complements both contemporary and retro-inspired interiors. • Hanger and shelf storage • Made with PEFC-certified sustainable wood • Resistant to scratches and spills

Dimension W: 96.2cm | H: 200.5cm | D: 60.5cm

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