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Opening Hours:

Mon-Fri 9am to 5:30pm

(Evenings and Weekends by appointment only)

Phone: 020 899 19700



By Train: 


10 mins walk from Station. Nearest Tube station is PERIVALE (Central Line). Out of main entrance turn right, under railway bridge turn right into car park. Walk end of the car park, turn left onto Bideford Avenue, which later becomes Aintree Road and continue down turning left into Walmgate Road. Base Furnishings are located on the right, before the Police's Car Pound.

By Car – Out of London:


Take Western Avenue (A40) out of London. Take left exit towards B456 Argyle Road, turn right at B456 / Argyle Road. Follow B456 which becomes Teignmouth Gardens turning left into Bideford Ave and the Iconic Hoover building will be on your right follow the B456 under the railway bridge and Bideford Ave into Aintree Road. Please take the 1st Left, Walmgate Road. Base Furnishings are located on the right, before the Police's Car Pound.


By Car – Into London:


Head east onto Western Avenue (A40). Take the left Exit towards B456 / Argyle Road, turn left at B456 / Argyle Road.

Follow B456 which becomes Teignmouth Gardens turning left into Bideford Ave and the Iconic Hoover building will be on your right follow the B456 under the railway bridge and Bideford Ave into Aintree Road. Please take the 1st Left, Walmgate Road. Base Furnishings are located on the right, before the Police's Car Pound.

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